A feature length documentary following enigmatic rascal Richard Kuchera on a journey of self-discovery as he seeks to right the wrongs of his past.
69-year-old Dick, or Richard as he now prefers to be called, lives alone in a trailer in the Black Hills of Dakota, a rugged and charismatic country that seems to suit him down to the ground. Rude, Intelligent, witty, childish, loving, honest, deceitful, aggressive and yet charming Richard is, as the Kris Kristofferson song says ‘…a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction.’
Richard has done some pretty despicable things in his life and over the years has pissed off and become estranged from many of those closest to him. Yet as the years catch up with him, Richard begins to question a life lived distinctly on his terms. His addiction recovery group says he should clean up his side of the street. His Catholic faith says repent.
We follow Richard as he makes a list of all those he has wronged and embarks on a life-changing journey to make amends to such people wherever possible.
As Richard tracks down the friends, loved ones and business associates whose lives he has impacted on like a car crash, we learn more of this complex maverick as he takes us on an unpredictable road trip through America’s heartlands and back through his eventful life.